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  • Facial Acupuncture

    As we journey through the stages of life, no one can escape the signs of skin aging such as sagging, drooping, dull complexion, and the growth of wrinkles.
    Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Facial Acupuncture provides a natural and non-invasive solution for those who seeking to achieve radiant skin for beauty and anti-aging purposes, with minimal to no side effects.
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  • Uterus care/Womb care

    Every woman's journey is unique, and at Xin Le TCM, we understand the profound importance of uterine health at every stage of life.
    Our Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Uterus Care Treatment is meticulously crafted to offer personalized support, addressing menstrual irregularities, discomfort, and enhancing reproductive vitality with a nurturing touch.
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  • Acupuncture

    Acupuncture is recognized by World Health Organization and proven to be effective for more than 60 conditions.
    Thin and sterile acupuncture needles are insert through the skin and stimulate specific points on the body in order to restore the circulation, stimulate self-healing process, prevent the occurrence of diseases and maintain optimal health. The sterilized and disposable needles are so thin that most people do not feel much pain during treatment
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Hear what our patient says:

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  • Amazing treatments, helped me tremendously when I had a weak uterus. We did weekly sessions for 2 months. From feeling cold all the time I finally feel warm.


  • Went for treatment for my acne that I have been trying to deal with using other methods to no fruition. Decided to give acupuncture a try at this tcm centre and it worked amazingly after a series of treatments.
    TCM practitioner is also very kind and helpful. Would recommend this centre for the practitioner and modern touch of ambience.

    Hui En Kuan

  • Experienced TCM practitioner, friendly & attentive. Accurate diagnosis & clear explanations on the cause(s), treatment(s) & the food to avoid as well as the reason(s) to avoid such food.

    Marianne Yap

  • Celina is a professional as well a friendly TCM practitioner. She is very in detail while performing accupunture/cupping/gua sha treatments. Explanation & advise given are always easy to understand, while medication given helps too in boosting immune system.
    Thanks to her that my health condition is getting much better & better.

    Melissa Chan

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